The Best Four-Week Weight-Loss Challenge for a Leaner Body

The Best Four-Week Weight-Loss Challenge for a Leaner Body |

Losing a lot of weight can take time and patience is golden. Your journey should be taken at a safe and healthy pace that best suits your body. At the same time, you can give your weight loss process a boost by establishing a goal you can work towards and a clear method for how you want to get to that point. With that in mind, you might want to take a look at the following four-week weight loss challenge from a certified personal trainer. Alicia Jones.

Jones tells Eat this, not that!“When you’re trying to lose weight, the aim of the game is to increase as much lean mass as possible in order to speed up your metabolic rate. (And no, ladies, that won’t make you fat; for women, we won’t let’s not do it. “I don’t have enough testosterone to gain volume.) Indeed, lean mass is very active metabolically. She needs more calories to maintain her tone and strength.

Jones emphasizes the importance of improving your lean muscle mass by targeting as many muscles as possible with each exercise you perform. To make every move count, she suggests tackling the following exercises for a four-week weight loss challenge that will lead you to a slimmer, healthier figure.

“Since these exercises are intense for full-body lean muscle growth, which will help you lose weight and tone from head to toe, you only need to do these exercises two to three days a week” , emphasizes Jones. “Remember, it’s actually at rest that the body repairs harder and you work on fat burning potential! So less is more!”

1. Lunge with row

The single row lunge targets all of the major muscles in your body. Jones recommends starting your four-week weight loss challenge with this variation.

How to do it:

  1. Hold a dumbbell in your left hand.
  2. Take a big step back with your left leg.
  3. Bend your right knee to lower yourself into a lunge position.
  4. Lean forward and extend your left arm toward the floor.
  5. Row the dumbbell toward your chest.
  6. Lower the weight toward the floor.
  7. Perform 1 to 3 sets of 15 repetitions per side.

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2. Quick squats

Next, get ready for some quick squats. “Another tip when using exercise for weight loss is to add a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) component to your strength training,” says Jones. “This way, not only do you improve your lean muscle mass and speed up your metabolism, but you burn more calories over the next 72 hours.” This exercise helps you accomplish just that.

How to do it:

  1. Start with your feet planted shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend both knees and press your hips back to squat.
  3. Lower yourself until your thighs become parallel to the floor.
  4. Tap Save.
  5. As you become more comfortable, start doing it more quickly and continue for a full minute.
  6. Rest for a minute and a half before repeating the exercise until you reach 3 to 5 sets.

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3. Bridge with chest press

Next, you’ll want to tackle a bridge with a chest press. As Jones points out: “Again, working the larger muscles of the body is the best way to lose weight and burn more calories because you’re working more muscles. »

How to do it:

  1. Lie on your back on the floor, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Make sure your feet are planted on the floor and your knees are shoulder-width apart.
  3. Press through your heels to lift your hips until your body forms a bridge.
  4. Stay on deck as you perform a chest press with the dumbbells, pressing them to your chest.
  5. Aim for 3 sets of 15 reps.

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4. Jab HIIT Boxing Exercise

illustration of boxing exercise

“This HIIT exercise tones the arms and simultaneously involves your abs and back in the exercise,” says Jones. “What I particularly like about this exercise is that everyone can do it. It’s low impact and gentle on the joints, but it literally “packs a punch.” Once again, you both work large muscles such as your back, abs and legs, but you also benefit from the HIIT component for maximum fat burning. »

How to do it:

  1. Start standing in a boxing position.
  2. Make fists with your hands, placing them in front of your face.
  3. Turn your hips and torso to the left while taking a “punch” with your left hand. Keep your right hand close to your face.
  4. Turn around and change hands.
  5. Perform 2 minutes of typing and rest for 1 minute.
  6. Complete 2 rounds.

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5. Burpees


Finally, to wrap up this productive four-week weight loss challenge, you’ll want to do burpees. Jones says of this part of the workout: “This is another exercise that acts as both HIIT and full-body toning.”

How to do it:

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower yourself into a squat position.
  3. Place your hands on the floor between your feet.
  4. Extend one leg back, then the other, to form a plank.
  5. Perform an optional push-up.
  6. Return your feet to a squat.
  7. Jump explosively.
  8. Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Desiree O

Desirée O is a freelance writer who covers lifestyle, food and nutrition news, among other topics. Learn more about Desiree

#FourWeek #WeightLoss #Challenge #Leaner #Body


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