6 bodyweight exercises to weight loss

6 bodyweight exercises to weight loss | XpertsReviews.com

If going to the gym isn’t your cup of tea, try these bodyweight weight loss exercises at home. Know which exercises work best for you and how to perform them correctly.

No complicated equipment or gym membership, all bodyweight exercises require is a well-ventilated room and your enthusiasm! Doing strength exercises to lose weight can be effective and very simple. These exercises use your body weight to build resistance to the force of gravity, thereby burning calories. This form of training can help you improve your strength and endurance, in addition to helping to maintain physical fitness and overall well-being. However, it is essential to respect your pace when doing these exercises. Start with what works for you and your body and work your way up from there. Know the right way to do bodyweight exercises for weight loss, as well as what to keep in mind while doing this workout.

What are bodyweight exercises?

Bodyweight exercises are exercises that use body weight as resistance to build strength, flexibility and endurance. “These exercises do not require any equipment or machinery, making them convenient and accessible anywhere. These exercises are elite and challenging,” says Fit India Ambassador Wanitha Ashok. A study, published in the Strength and Conditioning Journalstates that bodyweight training movements are used to move the body against the forces of gravity and ground reaction forces.

Strength exercises for weight loss: how are they useful?

Bodyweight exercises offer physical, practical and accessibility benefits. Here are some ways it can help you lose weight:

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1. Stimulates metabolism

Like all strength training exercises, strength training exercises help increase the resting metabolic rate, thereby burning more calories. Including burpees, jump squats and mountain climbers can help you burn calories during exercise as well as cardio. Combining bodyweight exercises with a healthy diet promotes fat loss.

2. Strengthens muscles

Bodyweight exercises help increase strength and flexibility. This helps you exercise more and burn more calories. A study, published in the Yoga and Physiotherapy Journalstates that bodyweight exercises help build endurance and increase muscle strength. It states that the exercises feature a greater range of motion and greater isolation of specific muscles. It strengthens the core and also prevents injuries.

3. Improves balance and coordination

There are many bodyweight weight loss exercises that also work on your balance. A study, published in the Frontiers of Physiologystates that bodyweight strength exercises help improve static balance in older women. Not only does it help with weight loss, but it also helps prevent falls and injuries.

4. Increases energy levels

Bodyweight exercises help with weight loss because they work on your energy levels. A study published in the International Journal of Exercise Sciences states that bodyweight exercises, which require minimal time and no special equipment, can improve cardiorespiratory fitness levels in inactive adults. The study involved core exercises performed at a stimulating pace chosen by the participants.

A woman doing a plank
Besides losing weight, strength training exercises help build muscle and increase endurance. Image provided by: Freepik

5. Builds muscle

Bodyweight exercises that involve resistance training help build muscle without relying on external loading, says a study published in Physiology and behaviorThe study also found improvements in participants’ aerobic capacity and muscular endurance levels.

6. Practical

Strength training exercises for weight loss are convenient and accessible because virtually no equipment is needed. These exercises can be done anywhere even if space is a constraint. It’s cost-effective and suitable for all fitness levels.

However, to achieve weight loss and overall fitness, the exercise routine should be combined with a balanced diet, regular cardio exercises, varied bodyweight exercises with other external resistance, progressive overload , perseverance, consistency and patience, says Ashok.

What should you remember when doing bodyweight exercises to lose weight?

Like all exercise routines, safety and precautions are essential when trying bodyweight exercises for weight loss. Here’s what you should pay attention to
Consult a doctor or fitness expert before starting.

  • It is always best to train under the guidance of a certified trainer to correct and monitor form and technique.
  • A good warm-up before a workout and cool-down after it is essential.
  • Listen to your body and rest if necessary. Avoid overexertion and hydrate well.
  • Most people tend to exercise certain muscles or their problem areas. Structure your routine and cover opposing muscle groups.
  • It is important to stretch before a workout to avoid muscle stiffness.
  • Do these exercises only every other day.
  • Wear comfortable shoes to avoid injury
  • Train in a well-ventilated room.
  • Rest between sets.

6 Safe and Easy Bodyweight Exercises to Lose Weight

1. Mountaineers

This exercise targets the core, legs and arms. You can also do mountain climbers to burn belly fat.

How to do it:

  • Start in plank position.
  • ⁠Bring the right knee towards the chest.
  • ⁠ Quickly move to the left knee.
  • ⁠⁠Continue alternating legs.
  • ⁠Keep your core engaged, your back straight.
  • Reps (reps): 30-60 seconds, sets: 3-4

2. Plank

Planks target the core muscles. If you find this difficult, check out exercises to improve a plank, which can help you succeed in your workout.

How to do it:

  • ⁠Engage your core and keep your back straight.
  • ⁠Maintain the position for a specific period of time.
  • ⁠Rest for 30 seconds.
  • Holds: 30 to 60 seconds, sets: 3 to 4

3. Push-ups

These target the chest, shoulders and triceps or can be done on the wall if you have knee pain. There are a few exercises to improve your push-ups so you can get the maximum benefits from them too.

How to do it:

  • Start in plank position.
  • ⁠Lower the body until the chest almost touches the floor.
  • ⁠Push back to the plank.
  • ⁠Keep the core engaged.
  • Reps: 10-15, sets: 3-4

4. Dips

This should be done using a chair or bench. This exercise targets the triceps. There are also many variations of dips you can try. Here’s how to make a basic one.

How to do it:

  • Sit on the edge of a chair or bench.
  • ⁠Place hands next to hips.
  • ⁠Lower body by bending the elbows.
  • ⁠Stretch your arms to come back.
  • Reps: 10-15, sets: 3-4
A woman doing push-ups
Bodyweight exercises can be difficult, so be sure to take it at your own pace to avoid injury. Image provided by: Freepik

5. Oblique Russian Twists

Doing Russian twists to burn belly fat has proven to be very effective. Here’s how to make one.

How to do it:

  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent.
  • ⁠Lean back slightly.
  • ⁠Hold your hand.
  • ⁠Turn your torso to the left, touching your hands to the ground.
  • ⁠Repeat on the right side.
  • Reps: 10-15 (per side), sets: 3-4

6. Burpees

These target every muscle in the body. There are different ways to do burpees to lose weight. Here is the step-by-step explanation of the most basic one.

How to do it:

  • Start in a standing position.
  • ⁠ Get into a squatting position, placing your hands on the floor.
  • ⁠From the squat, return your feet to plank position.
  • ⁠Do push-ups.
  • ⁠Quickly return the feet to the squatting position.
  • ⁠Stand up from the squat.
  • ⁠Jump into the air and land smoothly.
  • Repetitions: 10-15, sets: 3-4 depending on your physical condition and the health of your joints.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How long should you do bodyweight exercises to lose weight?

These exercise programs should last no more than half an hour. You can increase this time as your body gets used to it.

2. How many sets should you do for each bodyweight exercise?

You should do up to 4 sets of each exercise. If you’re just starting out, you can start with two sets of each exercise and gradually increase.

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