What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol | XpertsReviews.com

If you enjoy casual adult beverages, you’re not alone. According to a recent National Institutes of Health (NIH) investigationTwo-thirds of American adults report drinking alcohol in the past year, and 52% report drinking alcohol in the past month. While a drink or two can be a fun way to unwind, regular alcohol consumption can take a toll on your body over time, affecting your heart, liver and pancreas, increasing your risk of chronic disease. and impacting mental health.

But what happens to your body when you stop drinking? To find out, we explored the scientific research and spoke with registered dietitians who shared their perspectives on the immediate and long-term benefits. From better sleep and mental clarity to healthier skin and improved liver function, giving up alcohol triggers a cascade of positive changes in your body.

Read on to find out how eliminating alcohol can transform your health.

Your heart health improves.

heart health concept, daily habit for better heart health
Photo: Shutterstock

Abstaining from alcohol can lead to lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. A 2016 study found that those who avoid alcohol or significantly reduce their consumption may see an improvement in their heart function.

Brittany Lubeck, RDdietitian and writer specializing in nutrition, tells us: “Research shows that regular alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke and other heart problems. So it stands to reason that stopping drinking reduces the risk of heart disease. However, it should be emphasized that these cardiac effects are mainly seen in people who drink excessively. Moderate alcohol consumption is not associated with an increased risk of heart disease. »

What happens to your body if you drink alcohol every day

Your liver will thank you.

liver diseaseliver disease

According to the NIHAlcohol can contribute to liver inflammation and fatty liver disease. However, giving up alcohol gives your liver the chance to repair and regenerate itself. “Alcohol is metabolized by the liver and excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver damage, including fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis,” explains Trista Best, RDprofessional dietitian Balance One Supplements. “Stopping alcohol allows the liver to regenerate and repair itself, supporting overall liver health.”

You will lose weight.

woman walking on a scalewoman walking on a scale

Alcohol is calorically dense, providing 7 calories per gram. Additionally, these are “empty calories” that provide no nutritional value. “Depending on how much alcohol you drink regularly, giving it up permanently may lead to weight loss,” says Lubeck, noting that your overall calorie intake will naturally decrease, “resulting in the possibility of weight loss.”

Plus, giving up alcohol often results in better food choices, because “many people experience strong cravings when they drink,” says Lubeck.

According to a study published in the journal Appetitepeople who drank half a glass of alcohol (20 grams) ate 11 percent more than those who abstained. Drinkers also experienced more cravings for high-fat (high-calorie) foods.

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The quality of your sleep will improve.

man sleeping soundly in bedman sleeping soundly in bed
Shutterstock / Syda Productions

Although alcohol may initially cause drowsiness, studies suggest that it may disrupt your sleep cycle, leading to poor quality rest. When you stop drinking alcohol, your sleep patterns often normalize, leading to a better, more restorative night’s sleep that has cascading benefits for your overall health.

“Alcohol can disrupt the sleep cycle, leading to difficulty falling and staying asleep. By giving up alcohol, you may benefit from improved sleep quality and duration. Better sleep has many health benefits, including improved cognitive function, mood regulation, and overall well-being,” says Best.

You will strengthen your immune system.


THE NIH points out that alcohol can weaken your immune system, making you more vulnerable to illness and infection. Removing alcohol from your diet can strengthen your immune system, contributing to disease resistance, faster recovery times, and a more robust immune response.

Lubeck states: “Long-term heavy drinking has been associated with poor immunity. In fact, such alcohol consumption can increase the risk of pneumonia, sepsis and even cancer. Therefore, giving up alcohol can be a way to support and possibly improve your immune system. A better immune system means a lower risk of infections and certain health problems. »

Your mental health will improve.

happy woman, vacation, cafe, sofahappy woman vacation coffee on sofa

Alcohol and mental health are closely linked. This is why abstaining from alcoholic beverages can lead to significant improvements in your psychological well-being. According to a 2022 assessment, Giving up alcohol can help reduce anxiety and depression, improve mood and cognitive function.

“Alcohol is a depressant that can negatively impact mental health. Stopping drinking alcohol can lead to improved mood, reduced anxiety, and better overall mental well-being. can also contribute to better stress management and coping mechanisms,” says Best.

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You will have more energy.

happy healthy elderly man wakes up in the morning with joy in his bedroomhappy healthy elderly man wakes up in the morning with joy in his bedroom

Drinking negatively affects sleep and, naturally, it affects your mood and energy levels the next day. According to a study published in the journal Sleep and alertnessheavy alcohol consumption significantly increases daytime sleepiness the next day. Nearly 35% of participants reported feeling sluggish or lost interest in staying awake after drinking the night before, while fewer than 5% of participants reported the same feelings during a typical day.

Your digestion may improve.

Side angle woman holding swollen bellySide angle woman holding swollen belly

If you ever feel bloated or have abdominal pain after accompanying a meal with a glass of wine or beer, you may be able to blame at least part of the blame on alcohol. Even in relatively small doses, alcohol can harm digestion by altering gastric secretion of stomach acid and hinder the ability of digestive enzymes to work and break down the food. When these functions are impaired, your digestion suffers. Studies have shown that Pairing alcohol with a meal can slow down digestion while overproduction of stomach acid can irritate the stomach.

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You may notice better skin.

woman looking at healthy jelly skin in bathroom mirrorwoman looking at healthy jelly skin in bathroom mirror

Alcohol is a diuretic that increases the excretion of fluids from your body, which can affect the health of your skin over time. Researchers identified a close correlation between alcohol consumption and skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, spider veins and post-adolescent acne. A study even found that excessive alcohol consumption — defined as eight or more drinks per week — was associated with an increase in upper facial wrinkles, under-eye swelling, and loss of volume in the midface.

This story has been updated to include additional entries, fact checking and revision.

#Body #Stop #Drinking #Alcohol


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