Is One Healthier? A Look at the Evidence

Is One Healthier? A Look at the Evidence |

Around the world, rice is a staple grain used for centuries in cooking. Rice is one of the most versatile grains on the market thanks to its mild taste and chewy texture, making it the perfect base for plenty of protein, legumes and other toppings.

However, in recent years, due to the rise of some fad diets that decry the nutritional benefits of carbohydrates, rice has gained a bad reputation in some circles in the United States (although it is remains a staple food for more than half of the world’s population). Despite what some “influencers” on social media claim, rice can be part of a healthy lifestyle, and this timeless grain can provide many nutrients that are often overlooked.

When it comes to types of rice, which one stands out as the winner when it comes to nutrition? There are many varieties of rice to analyze, but since white rice and brown rice are both relatively accessible and familiar to many, let’s determine which of the two is a “better” choice. It’s white rice versus brown rice for this ultimate rice nutrition showdown. Who will be crowned winner? Keep reading to find out, and for more, don’t miss 13 Healthy Rice Recipes for Weight Loss.

Nutritional comparison

Despite their difference in color, white rice and brown rice come from the same plant, Oryza sativa, or rice plant. The difference between white rice and brown rice is how the rice is processed.

Brown rice is known as a whole grain, meaning it contains not only the endosperm (i.e. the part we commonly think of as “rice”), but also the bran and germ. The bran and germ contain fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. One of the problems with eating white rice instead of brown rice is that you miss out on nutrients found in the bran and germ.

White rice differs because the bran and germ have been removed, leaving only the endosperm. This is why white rice may seem softer when cooked and may be easier to eat. Cooking also tends to take less time.

Brown rice (cooked)

brown rice

Nutrition (per 1 cup):
Calories: 248
Fat: 2 g (Saturated fats: <1 g)
Sodium: 8mg
Crabs: 52 g (Fiber: 3 g, Sugar: <1 g)
Protein: 6g

White Rice (Cooked)

White rice and baguettesWhite rice and baguettes

Nutrition (per 1 cup):
Calories: 169
Fat: <1 g (Saturated fat: 0 g)
Sodium: 9mg
Crabs: 37 g (Fiber: 2 g, Sugar: <1 g)
Protein: 4g

White rice and brown rice have relatively comparable nutritional profiles with low fat and high carbohydrate content. Brown rice, due to its inclusion of bran and germ, contains slightly more fiber per 1 cup at 3 grams, comparable to white rice, which contains 2 grams of fiber. And brown rice may contain more antioxidantsthanks to the lack of refining. Brown rice and white rice contain less than 1 gram of natural sugars. Brown rice contains 6 grams of protein per cup, while white rice contains 4 grams.

While it’s true that some brown rice dishes may contain more micronutrients, that’s not always the case. Many white rice choices are nutrient fortified, meaning manufacturers have added nutrients to the grains that might have been lost during the refining process. When comparing unfortified rice choices, brown rice contains more B vitamins and other nutrients, such as zinc and magnesium, than white rice.

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Health Benefits and Potential Risks

Brown rice

brown ricebrown rice


In recent years, the benefits of incorporating whole grains into your diet have become well known. Eating brown rice is one of the easiest ways to include whole grains in your diet. Whole grains like brown rice have been shown to potentially lower blood sugar levelswhich can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Brown rice also contains a lower glycemic index than white rice. The glycemic index is a system of ranking carbohydrates based on their effect on blood sugar levels. Brown rice has a GI of 50, while white rice has a GI of 89. Those who currently suffer from metabolic disorders (or are actively trying to lower their blood sugar levels) may find that they are better at even stabilize their levels by eating brown rice.

Brown rice contains slightly more fiber than unenriched white rice. Eating enough fiber daily can be difficult, so eating brown rice rather than white rice may have some benefits. One cup of cooked brown rice contains 3 grams of fiber, which is about 8% of the daily intake for men, while for women it is about 12% of the daily fiber requirement.

Fiber is an essential nutrient for increase satiety after a meal, that is, the feeling of being full and satisfied. Fiber is also associated with maintaining a healthy weightAnd a studyin particular, surveyed a large group of adults and children and found that whole grain consumption is associated with weight loss. Finally, fibers can also help cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Brown rice is also packed with essential vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, phosphorus, and B vitamins, which support various functions bodily. Additionally, its antioxidant properties reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve overall heart health.


However, there are also potential risks to consuming brown rice. Some varieties of brown rice can contain higher levels of inorganic arsenica toxic substance that can pose health risks if consumed in large quantities over time. This risk can be minimized by choosing rice from regions with lower arsenic levels and changing one’s diet to include other whole grains. People sensitive to high-fiber foods may experience digestive upset because brown rice is less processed and therefore more fibrous than white rice.

It should also be noted that brown rice contains phytic acid, which, although potentially healthy, can inhibit the absorption of zinc and iron by the body. Soak brown rice in water can help avoid this.

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White Rice

white rice in a bowl with a wooden spoonwhite rice in a bowl with a wooden spoon


Contrary to popular belief, white rice is not devoid of nutritional benefits. When fortified (or enriched), it contains fiber and nutrients such as B vitamins.

Enriched white rice is available on grocery store shelves across the country, and this enriched formula can provide higher levels (higher than brown rice) of essential nutrients that many are lacking. For example, 1 cup of cooked enriched white rice contains about 21% of your daily value of niacin (vitamin B3). Unfortified rice only contains about 3%. Of course, if you opt for unenriched white rice, you may be missing out on essential nutrients.

One of the reasons people turn to white rice is because it is easier to digest than brown rice. This ease of digestion is due to the naturally lower fiber levels in white rice. While fiber is something you want to consume, people with chronic digestive issues may lean more towards white rice. Plus, white rice takes less time to cook than brown rice, making it more appealing on busy nights when you have little time in the kitchen.


While white rice has many feathers in its proverbial cap, the higher glycemic index may be a red flag for some. Some data suggests that white rice consumption has been associated with a higher risk of hyperglycemia and increased risk of type 2 diabetes; however, more robust data is needed to confirm this. If you are currently living with diabetes or at risk of developing the disease, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor to discuss a diet that is right for you.

Finally, white rice may contain slightly lower levels of antioxidants than brown rice due to the way white rice is processed. Antioxidants in Brown Rice May Help avoid a large number of chronic diseasesand you may not get these benefits from eating white rice. Therefore, if you eat white rice rather than brown rice, consider eating other sources of antioxidants such as berries, nuts and seeds.

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Which is healthier: brown rice or white rice?

Uncooked basmati rice and brown rice in plastic bowl on wooden backgroundUncooked basmati rice and brown rice in plastic bowl on wooden background

There is no definitive answer as to whether brown or white rice is healthier than the other. Both types of rice come from the same plant and any differences come from the production process. Although brown rice has gained popularity in health circles globally, white rice can also be part of a healthy diet.

A single food will not make or break your diet. White rice is a staple food in many cultures around the world and is often found in various traditional dishes. Brown rice offers a unique texture that pairs well with many foods. Both can be part of a healthy, balanced diet. The key is how you pair your rice and your overall food choices. Enjoy what you love and remember that it’s all about balance.

The 10 Healthiest Whole Grains You Can Eat

#Healthier #Evidence


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