6 Best Exercises for Men To Lose Belly Fat Without Equipment

6 Best Exercises for Men To Lose Belly Fat Without Equipment | XpertsReviews.com

Losing belly fat is necessary for men who want shredded abs instead of an ever-growing “dad belly.” Unfortunately, belly fat tends to be the most stubborn form of fat, requiring a combination of a disciplined diet to lose fat and the best exercises to kick your metabolism into high gear, build muscle, and add an extra torch to your fat burning machine. . We’ve done the hard work for you and put together six stellar, no-equipment exercises for men to lose belly fat.

Generally speaking, some form of resistance training is necessary to have the best chance of losing belly fat. However, if you don’t have a gym membership or equipment, you’re certainly not out of luck. Many great exercises are available that require no equipment and significantly increase your fat burning potential.

Here are six of the best exercises for men to lose belly fat without equipment. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds at a moderate pace. Rest for 30 seconds, then move on to the next exercise. Work up to at least five laps of the circuit.

Jumping Jacks

jumping jacks

Jumping jack is a light plyometric activity that burns calories and warms up your body. You can add speed and rhythm to increase its metabolic benefits. Although jumping jacks aren’t enough of a workout on their own, they are a great addition to an overall fat loss circuit.

  1. Stand with your arms at your sides.
  2. Jump up and spread your legs as you extend your hands out to the side and up.
  3. Land with your arms overhead and your feet apart.
  4. Quickly bounce out of the position and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat as quickly as possible while maintaining an effective rhythm.

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illustration of a man sprinting or running on a treadmillillustration of a man sprinting or running on a treadmill

Most people don’t think of sprinting as a form of resistance exercise. Although running and jogging, in general, are not adequate stimuli for muscle growth or for boosting metabolism after exercise, sprinting is different.

Sprints are an all-out effort to run shorter distances and then rest. The goal is less to get “cardio” than to maximally exercise your muscles with speed, which pushes your body to use anaerobic energy. This level of intensity helps burn calories after exercise and builds skeletal muscle itself.

  1. Lift your knees as high as possible on the stride leg while pushing off with your foot planted.
  2. Press your foot into the ground instead of reaching with the front leg.
  3. Aim for a high stride rate; don’t focus on increasing the distance between each stride.
  4. As part of the circuit, complete three 50-meter sprints with 10 seconds between each sprint, then move on to the next exercise.

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man doing squatsman doing squats

The next exercise among our best exercises for men to lose belly fat is the squat. Whether you have access to equipment or not, you should include squats in your workout routine. Perform your bodyweight squats with a rhythm for a 30-second interval.

  1. Start with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Sit with a bend at the waist and bending your knees.
  3. Push through both feet to return to the starting position.
  4. If bodyweight squats are too easy, add a jump at the top of each rep.
  5. If you get exhausted during jump squats, you can return to regular squats.

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Push ups

push upspush ups

There’s a reason why push-ups have been included in virtually every military physical training program created. Requiring little to no equipment, push-ups work your entire anterior chain. The main emphasis is on the chest and shoulders. However, the muscles in your core and lower body must contract isometrically to prevent your hips from sagging. This adds a little training bonus to these areas even if you’re focusing on the upper body.

  1. Start this exercise in a plank position with your hands under your shoulders.
  2. Lower your entire body to the ground, maintaining a tight plank position the entire time.
  3. When your chest, abdomen, and hips are just above the floor, push with your hands to return to the starting position.


burpee demonstrationburpee demonstration
Fitness for men

If you need a full-body metabolic blast without equipment, burpees are your best bet. Combining movements in a burpee results in a total body conditioning workout and increases your explosive power.

  1. Start this exercise standing, then jump and reach the ceiling as high as possible.
  2. When you land, absorb the landing by getting into a plank position.
  3. Quickly bounce back from the plank position and bring your feet under you.
  4. Explode through both feet to jump and reach forward again.
  5. Proceed to the next repetition.

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reverse lunge exercisereverse lunge exercise

Lunges are the last exercise in this abdominal fat-melting circuit. You can perform lunges while walking or alternating lunges in place.

  1. Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take a big step forward with your right leg.
  3. Bend your right knee as you bring your left knee to the floor.
  4. When your left knee is about one to two inches off the ground, push off your right foot to stand up.
  5. Step your left foot forward to the next step if you’re doing walking lunges.
  6. If you rush in place, return your right foot to the original position before beginning the next repetition.

Tyler Read, BSc, CPT

Tyler Read is a personal trainer and has been involved in the health and fitness industry for 15 years. Learn more about Tyler

#Exercises #Men #Lose #Belly #Fat #Equipment


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