Yoga poses for 3 people: Asanas to make your session fun

Yoga poses for 3 people: Asanas to make your session fun |

Invite your friends and family over to do yoga poses for 3 people. These poses can help build confidence while providing benefits such as core strength and better balance.

Whether in the morning or in the evening, you can do yoga in your living room at any time. Alternatively, you can join a group yoga class where you will have the opportunity to meet like-minded people. Although yoga is fun to practice alone, you can take it to the next level by doing the poses with your friends. Why not invite your partner, friends or family to try threesome yoga poses? These poses are not only fun but also challenging, so be sure to choose experienced partners. Such poses are fun and also good for your body, arms and legs.

What are yoga poses for 3 people?

“3-person yoga poses involve three people working together, with distinct roles,” says yoga expert Akhil Gore. Here are the roles of the participants during yoga poses for 3:

  • The base is the one which provides support during installation and is generally in contact with the ground.
  • The aerialist performs balancing movements, so the person assuming this role is lifted or supported by the base during different poses.
  • The observer ensures the safety of everyone involved by providing additional support or assistance if the other two lose balance.

“Beyond the physical benefits of each asana, yoga poses 3 help improve confidence, communication and connection between participants,” explains the expert.

3 person yoga needs balance, strength and confidence. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

How to prepare for 3-person yoga poses?

  • Warm: Make sure all three of you spend 10 to 15 minutes doing warm-up exercises to reduce the risk of injury. You can stretch your body and rotate your wrists, ankles and neck for better flexibility.
  • Communicate: Give each other clear signals to ensure smooth coordination. Use signs or words when you are ready or feel discomfort while doing 3-person yoga.
  • Assign role: Decide on the roles (base, flyer, spotter) before starting the poses.
  • Wear comfortable clothing: Wear comfortable tops and leggings that will provide comfort and flexibility. Such clothes can facilitate movement while doing threesome yoga poses.
  • Establish Trust: Have confidence in each other as this is the key to successful 3 person yoga poses.

Yoga Poses for 3: Asanas You and Your Friends Can Do

1. Pyramid pose (Parsvottanasana)

  • Stand in a triangular arrangement, facing inward.
  • Each person should lean forward from the hips.
  • Everyone must extend one leg backwards, balancing while touching the ground with both hands.
  • All 3 participants should hold the pose for a few breaths before switching legs.

If you plan to do 3 person yoga poses, perform the pyramid pose as it improves hamstring flexibility and core strength.

2. Triple Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

  • The base should perform a standard downward dog pose while getting on all fours.
  • The second person should place their feet on the hips of the base, forming a second downward dog pose.
  • The third person should climb on top of the second participant, creating one final downward dog pose.
  • Ensure stability and alignment at each level while doing 3-person yoga.

Triple Downward Dog strengthens the shoulders and stretches the spine. This pose also helps increase the strength of the abdominal muscles, according to a study published in Complementary therapies in medicine in 2014.

3. Flying Warrior Pose (Visvamitrasana)

  • The base should rest on your back with your legs raised to 90 degrees.
  • The flyer should stand close to the base’s hips and lean forward, balancing their pelvis on the base’s feet. The arms should be extended and one leg outward.
  • The observer should provide support if necessary while doing 3-person yoga.

“This pose is good for improving balance and stability of the body,” explains the expert.

4. Three-person plank (Phalakasana)

  • The first participant must assume a standard plank position.
  • The second participant must place their hands on the ankles of the first and their feet on the shoulders of the third participant.
  • The third person must support the stack by forming the base plank.

Phalakasana can help develop arm and core strength. In a 2021 study, published in MedicinePlank-style exercises have been shown to be effective in building strength and endurance.

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5. Triangle Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

  • You should all stand side by side, balancing on one leg.
  • Be sure to link your arms and place the sole of your free foot on the inner thigh of your standing leg.
  • Raise your joined arms above your head to complete the triangle.

“This yoga asana can help improve focus and leg strength,” says Gore.

6. Triple Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III)

  • All three must stand side by side, each balancing on one leg.
  • The free leg should be extended back and the arms forward while maintaining alignment.
  • You should all support each other lightly by connecting your fingertips.

When doing 3 person yoga poses, include this asana to improve leg strength and stability.

7. Three-Way Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

  • The base should form a bridge pose with the back arched and the feet firmly planted on the ground.
  • The second participant should balance on the hips or thighs of the base in a plank position.
  • The third person should carefully balance on the back of the second participant to complete the pose.

Bridge pose can improve back strength and flexibility, so do it if you plan to do 3-person yoga.

child's pose
Balasana can also be practiced with three people. Image provided by: Shutterstock

8. Group Child’s Pose (Balasana)

  • All three should sit in a circle, facing inwards.
  • Make sure you lean forward while resting your upper body on the back of the person in front of you.
  • All three should relax during the stretch, synchronizing their breathing.

You want to do yoga with 3 people, then include this asana because it is good to promote deep breathing. It may also promote mindfulness and relaxation, according to a study published in Pain medicine in 2017.

9. Stacked Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

  • All three should stand in a straight line, with each person placing their hands on the back of the person in front of them.
  • All 3 participants should slowly lean forward at the hips, keeping their legs straight.
  • While maintaining the connection, the 3 should stretch deeply.

If you want to try 3-person yoga, then this pose to strengthen the hamstrings and spine.

10. Triple Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

  • While doing 3-person yoga, all participants must lie on their stomachs in a line.
  • Hands should be stacked on top of each other for support.
  • Simultaneously, participants should lift their chest into a cobra pose, maintaining alignment.

“Doing Cobra Pose with three people can deepen spinal stretches,” says the expert.

Who should avoid 3-person yoga poses?

3-person yoga poses can be beneficial but avoid them if you:

  • You have wrist, back or shoulder injuries.
  • You are pregnant, as these positions can put a strain on your body.
  • Lack of basic flexibility or physical strength.
  • Struggle with balance, which can increase the risk of falling.

Yoga poses for 3 are more than just a fun activity. They talk about trust, unity and mindfulness. They improve physical health while building strong connections with the people who participate.

Related FAQs

Can beginners try 3-person yoga?

Yes, beginners can start with simpler poses like the three-way plank while still prioritizing safety. With proper guidance, clear communication, and gradual progression, even beginners can benefit from this collaborative style of yoga.

What are yoga for 3 benefits?

Yoga for 3 can help you regain balance and strength. It’s also good for building strong connections with attendees.

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