Ah, belly fat: it’s so easy to accumulate and yet incredibly difficult to lose. If you’re struggling to get rid of stubborn fat around your belly, you’re certainly not alone. According to researchAbout 53% of the American population suffers from abdominal obesity. While the process of losing belly fat can be difficult, it is not impossible. We have gathered some of the best tips on how to lose belly fat, according to people who have done it.
The tips below are practical lifestyle changes you can make, according to people who have successfully melted belly fat. It’s important to remember that what works for one person may not be as effective for another. With that in mind, let’s explore the proven methods that can help you get started on your weight loss journey.
1. Eat a high protein diet.
This is a classic but crucial nutrition tip for anyone looking to eat healthier and lose belly fat.
TikTok user @wellbyuba shares several steps they took to lose belly fat in four months, including one that involved eating more protein and vegetables. Another TikToker, @improvingwkarla, explains in a clip that increasing their protein intake was imperative in their belly fat loss journey. “Increase your protein intake,” they emphasize. “If you usually eat eggs in the morning, mix in some cottage cheese to [extra protein]” . “
What Are proteins so special? According to Amy Goodson, M.Sc., DT.P., DT.Sc., DT.D., DT.L.Registered Dietitian and Certified Sports Dietitian who serves on our Medical Expert Panel, “Protein can reduce cravings, boost metabolism and promote the feeling of satietywhich can lead to a reduction in caloric intake. This also helps [preserve] “muscle mass during weight loss.”
2. Increase your overall activity level.
It’s important to move more every day, especially if you work at a desk and don’t take many breaks. In her video, TikTok user @improvingwkarla recommends, “Make sure you walk at least 10,000 steps a day. It’s better than running, especially if you’re just starting out.”
Goodson also stresses the importance of increasing physical activity. “Staying active throughout the day, such as taking the stairs, walking more, and reducing sedentary time, can increase daily calorie expenditure and contribute to fat loss,” she tells us.
3. Stay hydrated with the right fluids.
TikTok user @emshel encourages you to “control your fluids.” This TikToker reveals in a video that they lost 20 pounds, explaining: “And I melted the pounds off my stomach, my arms and my thighs, all at home; no gym, no crazy diets, no bullshit.”
Fluids can totally “make or break” your weight loss journey. That’s why it’s so important to stay hydrated, drink plenty of water, and be wary of sugary drinks like soda, juice, and fun coffee drinks.
“Drinking plenty of water can boost metabolism“They aid in digestion and promote feelings of fullness, thereby reducing overall caloric intake,” Goodson says.[Additionally,] Excessive consumption of sugar, especially sugary drinks, is linked to increased abdominal fat. Reducing sugar intake can help decrease overall calorie intake and prevent sugar cravings.
4. Practice stress-reducing activities, such as yoga.
TikToker @emshel is a big fan of evening yoga sessions.[Yoga at night] “It helps with digestion, helps you relax and sleep better,” they point out.
After all, relaxing and quieting the chatter in your mind is essential when it comes to losing weight and belly fat.”Chronic stress leads to high cortisol levelswhich can increase appetite and promote fat storage in the abdominal area,” Goodson says. “Stress management techniques like yoga and meditation can help.”
5. Establish a solid workout routine that you will stick to.
Aerobic and strength training exercises are essential to any complete fitness routine. DeAsian Green (@deasiagreenn) reveals in a TikTok video that cardio, especially sprint intervals, and establishing a gym routine tailored to their goals were imperative in their belly fat loss journey.
“Cardiovascular exercises, such as running, swimming and cycling, are effective for burning calories and reducing overall body fat, including belly fat,” Goodson tells us.[In addition,] “Building muscle mass through strength training can increase metabolism and promote fat loss, especially around the abdomen, by increasing overall calorie expenditure.”
Alexa Mellardo
Alexa is the Associate Editor of Mind + Body at Eat This, Not That!, overseeing the M+B channel and providing readers with engaging topics on fitness, wellness, and self-care. Learn more about Alexa
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