FITT for fitness: Know the importance

FITT for fitness: Know the importance |

The FITT principle can help you achieve your fitness goals. Don’t know where to start? We show you how to use FITT to train while working out.

Are you thinking about starting a fitness plan but don’t know where to start? You should try the FIIT principle, which stands for Frequency, Intensity, Duration and Type, four key elements of a solid training plan. This can be a great addition to your workout if you like a structured fitness plan. Whether you want to lose weight, tone or strengthen your body, these four elements are necessary to stay fit and healthy. When choosing a fitness plan, you should not only focus on the type of exercise, but also on the difficulty and duration you need to do them. Know the fitness benefits of FITT and how to include it in your diet.

What is the FITT principle for fitness?

Whether walking or squatting, any physical activity is a multifaceted behavior. It consists of the components — frequency, intensity, time and type (FITT), according to research published in the Canadian Journal of Public Health in 2011. “Thus, the FITT principle is a central part of fitness planning, because it adds structure to workouts, makes them balanced, goal-oriented and effective,” explains the physiotherapist and fitness expert , Dr. Aijaz Ashai. It can significantly contribute to improving aerobic and muscular fitness as well as flexibility, according to a 2021 study published in Advances in health sciences research.

FITT stands for frequency, intensity, duration and type. Image provided by: Freepik

1. Frequency

This is the number of times you choose to exercise in a week. It is measured weekly and is the only element that balances workouts to allow time for recovery. “Overtraining will be avoided, thus avoiding injuries or burnout,” explains the expert. Beginners can start with 3 days per week, which will gradually increase to 5 days as their fitness improves.

2. Intensity

This is the amount of effort expended in exercise, and is often measured by heart rate or perceived exertion, with higher intensities burning more calories in less time and lower intensities being preferred. for endurance. Correctly adjusting the intensity according to your fitness goals can maximize the results you want without risking fatigue.

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3. Time

It focuses on the duration of the exercise session. Although longer periods can help burn more calories, training can be just as effective when the duration is short but the intensity is high. Especially if the goal is weight loss, a balanced duration adapted to the personal fitness goal will prevent it from becoming too exhausting or too long to maintain. On average, adults should do moderate-intensity exercise for about 150 minutes per week, according to The American College of Cardiology.

4. Type

This is the kind of exercise performed, which may include cardio or strength training exercises. Changing your type will eliminate boredom, allow you to adapt holistically and continue to push your body. “Type variations in your workout help target different muscle groups,” says Dr. Ashai.

What are the benefits of FITT for fitness?

  • Easy to adapt: By the principle of FITT, you will be able to create a schedule that will suit your needs. Such a method of training design is highly adaptable. “But the exercises in the plan can be neither too easy nor too difficult,” explains the expert.
  • Motivates you: The structure of FITT makes consistency more achievable and allows for monitoring. Workouts with specific goals are easier to maintain and follow into the daily routine.
  • Best result: FITT will allow you to focus on goals such as strength, endurance or weight loss, which are achieved through thoughtful planning. This directed planning ensures that training results are improved.
  • Reduces risk of injury: It prevents overtraining and reduces the risk of injury, especially if you are a beginner or recovering from previous injuries through adjustments in frequency, intensity and time.

Read also: Are you not losing weight? 10 HIIT exercises to boost your metabolism

A woman who follows FITT to get back into shape
Follow FITT for fitness. Image provided by: Freepik

How to use FITT for fitness?

If you want to build strength, use the FITT principle in the following ways:

  • Frequency: Train 3-4 times per week, ensuring a minimum of 48 hours between workouts targeting the same muscle group to allow for recovery and muscle growth.
  • Intensity: Your intensity is related to the amount of weight you choose to lift as well as the number of sets and repetitions you perform. If you are just starting out, as a beginner, you should use light weight to build muscle. You can do two or three sets of 12 to 20 repetitions. Aim for three sets of 12 reps to maximize muscle engagement.
  • Time: Each session can last 45 to 60 minutes, including a warm-up and cool-down of 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Type: Focus on compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses to work multiple muscle groups. Supplement by doing isolation exercises such as biceps curls, triceps extensions to target specific muscles.

FITT principle for weight loss

  • Frequency: Plan 4 to 5 sessions per week to maintain an active metabolism and burn calories. “Include cardio and strength circuits to preserve lean muscle mass,” suggests Dr. Ashai.
  • Intensity: Incorporate HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) to burn lots of calories 1-2 times per week. On other days, do a moderate-intensity steady-state cardio workout or low-intensity active recovery.
  • Time: Each session should last 30 to 60 minutes. For HIIT, limit yourself to 20 to 30 minutes of intense intervals, while steady-state cardio can last 45 to 60 minutes for sustained calorie burning.
  • Type: Alternate between cardio (running and cycling) and strength (goblet squats) circuits to maintain muscle mass while promoting fat loss. Cardio burns calories, while strength training increases resting calorie expenditure.

Follow the FITT principle, as it is adaptable to all fitness levels. Beginners, moderate exercisers, and even advanced athletes can modify FITT for their fitness.

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