If you want to include sustainable wellness habits into your routine in 2025, focus on mindfulness and self-care. Anshuka Parwani shares some tips on how to do this.
Every January we are inundated with this idea of “New Year, New Me.” And I understand: there is something magical about starting from scratch. But let’s be honest: how many times have we all set ambitious goals, only to find ourselves stuck in the same routine come February? This year, let’s try something different. Instead of burning out and burning out, how about creating a yoga routine that is not only inspiring but sustainable? Yoga isn’t just about twisting your body into fancy poses, it’s also about showing up every day, in small and meaningful ways.
Here’s the thing: your yoga practice is your own. There is no universal routine. Some days you might want to do an intense flow with warrior poses and planks. Other days you may just want to sit on your mat and breathe.
How to include sustainable wellness habits in your routine?
Here are some sustainable wellness habits you can include in your routine to stay healthy and fit:
1. Start simple
Here’s a simple framework to get started:
1. Warm-up (5 minutes): Relax with gentle stretches. Joint rotations or cat/cow, pigeon pose, gentle twists etc.
2. Movement (10 minutes): Add dynamic poses like Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) or Surya Namaskara.
3. Savasana (2-3 minutes): Lie down, close your eyes and breathe.
If you are short on time, even a few rounds of Surya Namaskara can work wonders.
2. Include pranayama in your practice
Pranayama is a very powerful part of yoga and it is often overlooked. When life gets busy (and let’s face it, it always does), your breathing can bring you back to center.
One of my favorites is Anulom Vilom, or alternate nostril breathing. It’s very simple: just close your right nostril, inhale through your left, then close your left nostril and exhale through your right. Repeat this cycle for a few minutes. It’s amazing for calming your mind and balancing your energy.
3. Include warming practices
Yoga and Ayurveda go hand in hand: they are both about balance. January can feel cold and muggy, so it’s essential to incorporate warming practices into your routine.
- Start your day with warmth: Drink warm water with lemon or ginger to wake up your digestive system.
- Add spices to your meals: Think turmeric, cinnamon, and black pepper—they’re all great for boosting immunity.
- Try Abhyanga: This is an Ayurvedic self-massage with warm sesame oil. It is grounding and helps calm your nervous system, especially in winter.
4. Set an intention
Instead of making resolutions like, “I will do yoga every day,” try setting an intention. Ask yourself:
1. How do I want to feel this year?
2. What habits will help me get there?
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For me, 2025 is about slowing down and making time for what really matters, whether that’s spending five minutes on my mat or simply pausing to take a deep breath in the middle of a busy day .

Keep these things in mind!
- I’ll be realistic with you: life will get in the way. You’ll skip a day (or a week) and feel like giving up. But here’s what I learned: yoga isn’t about being perfect. It’s about showing up when you can, however you can.
- Make it easy on yourself. Unroll your carpet at home. Find an online class if you can’t get to a studio. Create a small yoga corner with a mat, a candle or a plant, in an inviting location.
- And if you miss a day, don’t worry. Simply return to your mat the next day. The beauty of yoga is that it is a journey. You don’t need to touch your toes on the first day or master a handstand by the end of the month.
- Celebrate the small victories: feeling a little stronger, sleeping better, or simply taking time for yourself.
In 2025, let’s commit to a joyful, non-stressful yoga routine. Let’s make room for self-care, for movement and for calm. Let’s accept the idea that it’s not about being perfect, but about being present. Here’s to a year of strength, balance and inner peace. Let’s do it, one breath at a time.
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