10 Drinks To Avoid if You're Trying To Lose Belly Fat

10 Drinks To Avoid if You’re Trying To Lose Belly Fat | XpertsReviews.com

Aiming to lose belly fat is a great health goal to achieve every day. Especially since visceral fat (belly fat located deep in the abdomen) is linked to several health problems. For example, according to Harvard Medical SchoolVisceral abdominal fat is associated with poor metabolic health and a higher risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. Additionally, this type of abdominal fat is linked to an increased risk of breast cancer in women. The good news is that making smart beverage choices can help you shed that stubborn belly fat once and for all.

But while it’s essential to know which drinks are good for weight loss, it’s also essential to know which ones to be wary of. We discussed with Destini Moody, RDN, CSSD, LDdietitian and sports dietitian with Review of Garage Gymwhich shares 10 popular drinks to avoid if you’re trying to lose belly fat.

If you’re ready to tighten your waistline and say goodbye to unhealthy drinks, read on to find out which drinks are sabotaging your weight loss goals. And when you’re done, check out the effects of eating too much sugar on your body.

Mixed Coffee Drinks

high sugar blended coffee drink

Indulging in delicious blended coffee drinks may seem harmless, but hidden sugars and empty calories contribute to the accumulation of belly fat. “Frappuccinos and sweet lattes are great ways to treat yourself every once in a while after a hard day, but many people make the mistake of believing that these drinks can replace a regular cup of coffee,” says Moody. “While black coffee averages about five calories per serving, a 16-ounce Frappuccino has about 380 calories. That’s more than an average order of fries at McDonald’s. So much sugar and saturated fat won’t do any favors to your waistline.”

12 Unhealthiest Coffee Chain Drinks With More Calories Than a Big Mac

Soft drinks


Soft drinks are another indulgent beverage loaded with added sugar and empty calories, making them common culprits of belly fat. Their high sugar content can also cause insulin spikes, leading to fat storage around the abdomen. “Although sodas come in different flavors, they are essentially carbonated, high-fructose corn syrup,” says Moody. “The problem with sugary sodas is that they raise your blood sugar, causing the body to pull water out of its cells to dilute it. This makes you even thirstier, which can cause you to drink more soda, and Before you know it, you’ve consumed hundreds of calories that have no nutritional value and can quickly lead to weight gain.

26 Best and Worst Sodas on Grocery Store Shelves, According to Dietitians

Fruit juice

fruit juicefruit juice

Although fruit juices may seem healthy, they often concentrate sugars without the beneficial fiber of whole fruits. This can quickly raise blood sugar levels and sabotage your efforts to lose belly fat. “It’s misleading to believe that fruit juice helps you lose weight and stay healthy because it still contains sugar,” says Moody. “The fiber found in whole fruits that helps keep you full and control your calorie intake is not found in fruit juice and can cause you to consume a large amount of sugar and calories in a short period of time. This can make it harder to lose belly fat.


pilsner beerpilsner beer

Excess calories from alcohol can contribute to fat accumulation, especially around the waist. Additionally, alcohol contains seven calories per grammaking it a no-go if you’re trying to lose weight. Moody tells us: “Beer contains wheat, which makes it high in calories. Alcohol, in general, alters metabolism in a way that causes the body to store its calories as fat in the midsection, hence the term “beer belly.” Alcohol is also inflammatory, and chronic inflammation is the main driver of visceral fat accumulation.


sweet cocktailssweet cocktails

These high-calorie concoctions are high in added sugars that can sneakily increase your overall calorie intake, causing belly fat to be stored. “Cocktails contain alcohol, which is a huge enemy of weight loss. However, the real culprit when it comes to cocktails is mixers. Cocktails often contain added sodas, juices, and syrups to make spirits more palatable, however, combining these Caloric ingredients high in inflammatory refined sugars and alcohol constitutes a cocktail in its own right: a cocktail for visceral fat gain,” explains Moody.

What happens to your body when you stop drinking alcohol

Store-bought smoothies

Prepared smoothiesPrepared smoothies

Smoothies may be a surprising item on this list, but store-bought or overly sweet smoothies often contain far more calories than expected. Loaded with sugar and often lacking in fiber, these drinks can lead to low energy levels and weight gain. “Smoothies, while they can be filled with healthy ingredients like fruits and leafy greens, can also be loaded with sugar and lacking in protein unless they’re added intentionally,” says Moody. “This can trigger your hunger earlier than it should and cause overeating later, which can lead to belly fat gain.”

10 Unhealthiest Bottled Smoothies, Ranked By Sugar

Sports drinks

Sports drinksSports drinks

Despite their association with athletics, sports drinks are often high in sugar and calories. Unless you regularly engage in vigorous physical activity, these drinks can lead to excessive calorie intake and prevent you from melting belly fat. “Sports drinks are formulated specifically to quickly deliver sugar and electrolytes to athletes to fuel their intense exercise,” says Moody. “However, many people mistakenly believe that drinking them in their free time is harmless. Sports dietitians don’t even recommend that athletes consume sports drinks unless they exercise for more than a year. an hour due to the sugar content Even though the fruity, hydrating flavors taste great, the average sports drink has about 220 calories with no nutrients, but lots of added sugar.

What are the effects of excessive sugar consumption on your body?


three milkshakesthree milkshakes

The combination of high sugar and saturated fat in milkshakes is one of the main culprits in the accumulation of belly fat. Moody says, “Milkshakes are usually made with ice cream that is high in saturated fat. Not only can the combination of sugar and saturated fat increase the risk of heart disease, but both inflammatory compounds can quickly increase visceral fat storage in the body.”



Although slushies can be a refreshing treat, they are often loaded with added sugars that cause insulin spikes, leading to belly fat storage. “Slushes are basically finely crushed ice with added sugar and artificial coloring,” says Moody. “If you’ve ever left one long enough to see it completely melt, it tends to look like syrup in a Styrofoam cup. Avoid excess calories (and brain freeze) by skipping these drinks.”

Every Starbucks Coffee Drink Ranked By Its Sugar Content

Energy drinks

energy drinksenergy drinks

With their high caffeine and sugar content, energy drinks can provide a temporary energy boost, but at the cost of increased belly fat. “Some energy drinks contain added sugar and excess calories, but many contain artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners may have the potential to trick the body into thinking it is receiving sugar when it is not. “In turn, this can cause your brain to crave the sugar it expected, leading you to overeat and making it harder to lose belly fat,” says Moody.

13 Healthiest Energy Drinks, According to a Dietitian

This story has been updated to include additional entries, fact checking and revision.

#Drinks #Avoid #Youre #Lose #Belly #Fat


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