Yoga can help improve posture and strengthen the body. Older people can also do this. Chair yoga for seniors can help them stay fit.
As people get older, they tend to have balance problems and fall often. Improving one’s strength and staying fit is also necessary to carry out daily activities with ease. Walking, a low-impact exercise, can help older adults. Doing chair yoga for seniors can also be beneficial. It can help increase joint mobility and flexibility, improve posture, and much more. They simply sit on a chair or use it to support their body. Stretching, twisting and folding can all be done using furniture. The good news is that this type of yoga can also be practiced by people with knee problems.
What is chair yoga?
It is a form of yoga that can be practiced in a seated or standing position. A chair is used as a support device during yoga practice, allowing people, especially the elderly, with fear of falls and balance problems to practice safely. “Seniors with balance problems, knee, hip or back problems who cannot do a standing exercise can do senior chair yoga,” says fitness trainer Dr. Mickey Mehta.
This can be done anywhere, anytime, but just make sure the chair has no casters and is stable. You can use a wooden chair or a metal folding chair, preferably without a back.
What are the benefits of chair yoga for seniors?
Chair yoga for seniors is particularly beneficial for people with lower body issues. In an analysis published in the International journal of scientific research in 2023, chair yoga has been shown to be more effective in older adults with lower limb problems. Another study published in the Health care journal in 2023 showed that it helped improve the functional fitness and activity of daily living scores of older women with knee osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease.
Here are some of the benefits of chair yoga for seniors:
- Increased joint mobility and flexibility: “Chair yoga for seniors helps improve flexibility, particularly in the spine, shoulders and hips,” specifies the expert.
- Muscle strengthening: Using postures and movements adapted to the chair, it works the muscles of the lower, upper and central regions. In a 2019 study published in the Topics in geriatric rehabilitation journal, researchers found that participants who practiced chair yoga experienced improvements in muscle strength, agility, and balance in both upper and lower limbs.
- Better posture: By promoting spinal alignment and strengthening the back muscles, it contributes to better posture.
- Improved circulation: “Light movements improve blood flow and circulation, especially for people who may be sitting for long periods of time,” says Dr. Mehta.
- Fat reduction: Doing yoga helps reduce body fat by increasing blood flow to muscles and fat cells. “This releases fat for energy and thus contributes to weight loss,” explains the expert.
Chair Yoga for Seniors: 10 Poses to Try
1. Chair Tadasana or Mountain Pose
- Sit up straight in the chair to do the seated version of Mountain Pose.
- Interlock your fingers, inhale and stretch your hands upward with your palms facing the ceiling.
- Exhale and gradually lower your hands.
2. Chair Vakrasana or Spinal Twist Pose
- Sit up straight in your chair.
- Inhale and turn your body toward your right side while holding the back of your chair with both hands.
- Exhale then do it on the left side.
3. Chair Garudasana or Eagle Pose
- To do chair yoga for seniors, sit on the furniture, inhale, cross your right arm over your left at the elbow and try to touch both palms.
- Exhale, cross your right thigh over the left and try to turn your right foot at the calf of your left foot.
- Then do it on the other side.
4. Chair Uttanasana or Forward Bend
- Sit up, inhale and lean forward on your legs.
- Loosen your hands and touch the ground if you can.
5. Chair Utthita Parsvakonasana or Extended Side Angle Pose
- Sit on the chair, inhale and lean forward on your legs.
- Relax your hands and touch the floor.
- Place your right hand next to your left foot.
6. Chair Pawanmuktasana or Wind Relief Pose
- Sit down, inhale, raise your right leg to your chest and try to touch your forehead with your knee.
- Exhale, do it with your left leg.
7. Chair Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
- Stand behind the chair holding its back. Inhale and stretch upward to do Cobra pose.
- Exhale, stand up straight and relax your body.

8. Chair Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose
- Keep your right leg bent 90 degrees to the side of the chair. Your left leg should be straight and extended behind.
- Inhale and raise your hand to shoulder level.
- Raise both your hands upwards and press them together.
9. Upavistha Ardha Utkatasana or seated figure-four stretch
- Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor.
- Place your right ankle on your left knee, creating a “figure four” shape with your legs.
- Gently press into your right knee to deepen the stretch.
- Hold the position for several breaths, then switch sides.
10. Chair Urdhva Hastasana or Raised Hands Pose
- To do chair yoga for seniors, sit down, inhale, and raise your arms.
- Relax your shoulders and maintain good upper body posture.
Chair yoga for seniors can be practiced by older people, and even beginners. But if your body hurts while doing any of the poses, it’s best to take a break and consult a doctor.
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Related FAQs
What type of chair is best for yoga?
Use a backless wooden or metal chair for yoga. It will be easier to do yoga poses with this type of chair. Do not use chairs with casters, as they have no stability.
How many days a week should you do chair yoga?
You can do chair yoga two to three times a week. If you feel comfortable, you can incorporate it into your daily fitness routine.
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