Training with bad knees can be a challenge. But not exercising can lead to weight gain. Try these knee-friendly weight loss exercises.
Losing weight is not child’s play. Add in knee pain and you’ll have a harder time losing weight. You can monitor your diet by focusing on healthy foods and giving importance to portion control. But you also need to sweat to maintain a healthy weight. Your knee pain will likely prevent you from working out. Whether the pain is due to injury, arthritis, or aging, you need to keep moving. The good news is that there are weight loss exercises suitable for knees. These exercises can help in weight loss and also reduce knee pain.
Why exercise with bad knees?
If you experience knee pain, don’t engage in physical activity, and lead a sedentary lifestyle, you will gain weight, especially in your abdomen, over time. Excessive abdominal weight may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in Borders in 2021. Not exercising can even make knee pain worse. Exercising can not only help with weight loss but also improve knee pain.
A 2002 study published in The BMJ showed that participants who exercised had an average reduction in knee pain of 12 percent. Another study, published in the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physiotherapy in 2018, showed that physical activity for arthritic knee pain often leads to better results than the use of medications, injections and surgical procedures.
11 weight loss exercises if your knees hurt
There are low-impact, knee-friendly weight loss exercises you can do. “These knee-friendly weight loss exercises can also strengthen the muscles around the knees without causing too much strain,” says Dr. Aijaz Ashai, physiotherapist and fitness expert.
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1. Swimming
- Start by kicking lightly while keeping your body horizontal in the water, which should be warm considering the winter season.
- Now use your arms to swim forward while keeping your movements fluid and controlled.
- Breathe at a steady pace, exhaling underwater and inhaling above the water.
- Focus on maintaining a steady rhythm with your arms and legs to get a full-body workout.
2. Aquagym
- Find a pool with shallow, warm water where you can stand upright.
- Do leg lifts in the water while standing or holding on to the edge of the pool for balance.
- Lift each leg in front of you.
- As part of aquagym, you can also do water jogging. Raise your knees and alternate legs while lightly jogging in place.
3. Cycling on a stationary bike
- Get on the stationary bike and place your feet on the pedals.
- Adjust the height of the bike seat so that your knees are slightly bent when the pedals reach their lowest point.
- Pedal at a moderate pace, with your back straight and your core engaged.
- Use a comfortable level of resistance to work your muscles without straining your knees.
- Cycle at a constant pace for a specific amount of time, targeting 20 to 30 minutes of pedaling.
4. Training with an elliptical trainer
- Get on the elliptical trainer and hold the handrails so you don’t lose your balance.
- Preset the machine to low resistance.
- Start with gentle, gliding steps on the pedals while moving the handles back and forth.
- Maintain an upright posture and keep your core engaged during the elliptical workout.
- Adjust the pace and resistance as needed, ensuring minimal impact on your joints.
5. Walk on flat surfaces
- Start walking briskly on a flat surface, outside or inside your home.
- Maintain an upright posture, look ahead, shoulders back and relaxed.
- Swing your arms in sync with your legs to add intensity and support the gait.
6. Raise your legs using a chair
- Sit comfortably in a sturdy chair with your feet flat on the floor and your back straight.
- Extend one leg at a time.
- Hold it for several seconds before lowering your leg.
7. Side leg raises
- Lie on your side with your legs straight and support your head by placing it on your arm.
- Lift your upper leg while keeping it straight without jerking.
- Wait a brief moment, then slowly lower the leg to the starting position.
8. Bridge exercise
- Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet pointed toward the floor and hip-width apart.
- Tighten your core as you engage your glutes while pressing your hips toward the ceiling so that a straight line appears from your shoulders to your knees.
- Hold the position for several seconds then slowly bring your hips back toward the floor.
9. Steps
- Stand in front of a low platform such as a step or a sturdy box.
- Step up with one leg followed by the other, while bringing both feet back onto the platform.
- Come down with one foot then the other to return to the starting position.

10. Leg press with resistance band
- Sit on the floor with your feet placed under a resistance band.
- Push the band forward with your legs straight, keeping your knees slightly bent but not too much.
- Slowly return to the first step, putting tension on the group.
11. Side steps with resistance band
- To do this resistance band exercise, wrap the band around your thighs, just above your knees.
- Bend your knees a little and place your feet hip-width apart.
- Take small steps sideways, keeping tension on the band.
- Walk a distance or time, then change direction.
“These knee-friendly weight loss exercises can also reduce stress on the knee joints, strengthen the surrounding muscles and stabilize the knees,” says the expert.
Take precautions when doing knee-friendly weight loss exercises
- Work with a physical therapist or fitness trainer before doing knee-friendly weight loss exercises.
- Prepare your body with stretches or light movements for the muscles.
- Avoid excessive stress and stop immediately as soon as you feel discomfort.
- Maintain ideal form to avoid injuries while performing these knee-friendly weight loss exercises.
- Wear supportive shoes, as they can reduce stress on the joints.
- Stay hydrated to prevent muscle fatigue and promote recovery after performing knee-friendly weight loss exercises.
Do these knee-friendly weight loss exercises at least three to five times a week for about 20 to 30 minutes,” says Dr. Ashai.
Knee pain can make simple activities, like exercise, difficult. However, exercise is essential for maintaining overall health, managing weight, and building muscle. Do knee-friendly weight loss exercises without hurting your knees.
Related FAQs
What exercise is not good for knee pain?
Running or jogging on hard surfaces involves constant wear and tear on the knee. Deep squats or lunges overstretch the knee joint. Jump squats or box jumps expose the joints to too much impact.
Is climbing stairs bad for your knees?
Climbing stairs is one way to stay physically active. But if you have bad knees, climbing stairs can put repetitive stress on the knees. So, avoid it until your knees become stronger.
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