Sitting cross-legged: Yoga poses to try

Sitting cross-legged: Yoga poses to try |

Yoga poses seated the crossed legs can calm your mind and improve the flexibility of your hips, knees and ankles. You can opt for simple poses such as Sukhasana or Siddhasana.

If you want to avoid any mobility problem in the future, you should take care of your legs, knees, hips and ankles. One of the best ways to get there is to practice yoga regularly. You must have noticed that yoga sessions generally start with simple poses like Sukhasana or Easy Pose. This is a seated yoga installation, crossed legs, which can reduce stress and improve your posture. There are other seated poses such as Padmasana or Lotus posture which can be beneficial for the bottom of your body. These poses seem simple, but some people can find them difficult due to muscle injury and tension. Follow the right steps and train regularly to take advantage of the advantages of these poses.

What are the advantages of yoga poses seated the legs crossed?

Yoga poses seated the crossed legs can have an impact on your posture, flexibility and mental well-being. Here are some of the reasons why you should make seated yoga poses, legs crossed:

1. Reduce stress

A installation of yoga sitting the legs crossed like Sukhasana or Easy Pose encourages a deep breathing and a relaxed sitting position. “This can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, helping to reduce stress and anxiety,” said physical trainer Dr Mickey Mehta.

Having yoga with crossed legs can help reduce stress. Image provided by: Shutterstock

2. Improve posture

Sitting with the right back and crossed legs promotes a good alignment of the spine and the basin. “This promotes a natural curve in the lower back and helps develop a better global posture by strengthening the trunk and aligning the body,” said the expert. But make sure that your back is straight, because it is swaying in sitting your legs crossed can cause low back pain, according to a study published in the International Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health in 2020.

3. Improve the flexibility of the lower body

Sitting the legs crossed, yoga poses like Padmasana can improve the flexibility of the lower body. “The installation requires that the legs be positioned at half crossed, which gradually increases the flexibility of the lower body, mainly in the hip, knee and ankle joints,” said Dr. Mehta. Certain seated yoga poses, legs crossed, such as Swastikasana or the pose of good augurs, open the flexors of the hip and stretch the lower body. They can deeply open hips and groin, which can help release the tensions from the lower body.

4. Strengthen the lower body

Squats and slits are not the only movements to strengthen the lower body. Making yoga, especially asanas sitting their legs crossed, can also be beneficial. A 2023 study, published in Applied scienceshas shown that yoga poses seated the crossed legs can be beneficial to increase the muscular strength of the lower limbs.

How to make yoga poses sitting their legs crossed?

In the field of yoga, the fact of sitting your crossed legs transcends simple physical positioning. “It is a practice imbued with ancient wisdom and spiritual meaning, inviting people to cultivate a deeper connection with themselves and with the universe,” explains Dr. Mehta. Sitting your crossed legs serves as a metaphor for unity and balance – uniting the mind, body and mind in harmonious alignment.

Here are some yoga seats, legs crossed:

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1. Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

  • Sit your legs crossed on the carpet, placing your hands on your lap.
  • Keep your right spine and relaxed shoulders.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

2. Padmasana (lotus posture)

  • To put the lotus laying, cross the legs on the carpet, placing each foot on the opposite thigh.
  • Maintain a right spine with hands on the knees.
  • Breathe deep while you keep the position.

3. Ardha Padmasana (Pose of the half-plot)

  • Sit and meet a leg by placing your foot on the opposite thigh.
  • Fold the other leg with your foot on the ground.
  • Keep your right spine and relaxed shoulders while pose the half-lunotus.

4. Siddhasana (installed installation)

  • Sit with a heel supported against the perineum and the other heel positioned above it.
  • Keep the right spine and put your hands on your lap.
  • Focus on your breathing.
A woman doing Siddhasana
Siddhasana is to sit with your legs crossed. Image provided with kind permission: Adobe Stock

5. Swastikasana (Augor good)

  • Cross your legs with your feet under the opposite thighs.
  • Keep your back straight and your hands on your knees.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply.

6. Gomukhasana (pose of the cow’s face)

  • To perform Gomukhasana, sit down with your legs crossed, stacking one knee on the other.
  • Raise an arm and fold it behind your back while stretching the other hand to tighten it behind you.

7. Agnistambhasana (installation of the Fire Journal)

  • Sit with your legs crossed, stacking a tibia on the other.
  • Keep the right spine and hands on your knees.
  • Lean slightly forward for a deeper stretch.

Who should avoid sitting in the yoga position with a crossed legs?

The seated yoga poses, the legs crossed, are not suitable for everyone, because some people should not do them:

  • People with knee, hip or back injuries should not do these poses to avoid pain.
  • People with arthritis or inflammation in the lower body should consult a doctor before practicing seated yoga poses, legs crossed.
  • Pregnant women can make simple poses like Sukhasana, but for other poses, they must train after consulting a fitness expert.
  • People with hip flexor muscles and tight hamstrings should avoid these poses, as it can hinder the ability to sit in crossed legs.
  • Insufficient flexibility of the lower back and the basin can cause discomfort.

“You can use accessories such as cushions or yoga blocks for additional support for your hips and knees when you do these poses,” suggests Dr. Mehta. Also integrate front flexions forward in your fitness routine to improve flexibility.

Sitting your legs crossed during yoga, especially at the start of a session, is very common. The poses with this sitting position can be beneficial for the lower body and mental health. So, regularly practice poses like Sukhasana and Padmasana.

Related FAQ

Is sitting your legs crossed or bad for hips?

Sitting your legs crossed, especially during yoga, can open hips and release tensions. The hip flexors, the glutes and the lower back are engaged during this sitting position which allows deep stretching of the hips which, in turn, relieve tensions. But do not sit your legs crossed even when you practice yoga, as it can cause pain in the lower part of the body.

Is the yoga seated with the legs crossed intended for beginners?

Yes, beginners can also perform seated yoga poses, legs crossed, such as Sukhasana or East Pose. But if you have knee, hip or back injuries, it is better to jump these asanas.

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