Is Ham Good For You? 6 Benefits, Side Effects, and Downsides

Is Ham Good For You? 6 Benefits, Side Effects, and Downsides |

Pork is the most consumed meat in the world, according to USDA. And ham is especially common at Christmas, as it forms the centerpiece of the festive dinner. Whether this popular protein is on the menu every week or you prefer to cut it into a roast only on special occasions, ham can be part of a healthy meal, rich in protein and other important nutrients, but it all depends on the type of ham you are using. choose and how you cook it.

Here, New York-based dietitian Katherine Brooking, MS, RDexplains some of the benefits, harms, and side effects you might experience from eating ham. And if you’re looking for even more Christmas inspiration, check out these dazzling Christmas charcuterie boards!

Side effects of eating ham

It can help you build lean muscle mass

back muscles

If your goal is to gain muscle, you’ll want to pair your strength training workouts with a high-protein diet. THE American College of Sports Medicine recommends eating 0.5 to 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight each day ā€” about 46 grams per day for women and 56 grams for men ā€” and ham can easily help you reach your goal.

Ham is a source of protein and contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein, says Brooking. “Amino acids are the building blocks of muscle tissue and help build and maintain muscle mass. Essential amino acids must be obtained through diet,” explains Brooking. A small 3 ounce portion of roast ham contains an impressive 22.8 grams of complete proteinwhich represents a good portion of your daily value.

This is how much protein you should actually eat in one meal

It could help you lose weight

concept of weight loss on the scale, weight loss mistakesconcept of weight loss on the scale, weight loss mistakes

If you’re looking to lose weight or maintain your weight loss long-term, you’ll need to prioritize protein at every meal. And as noted, ham is a solid source of protein. “Research indicates that eating protein can help you feel full for longer periods of time, reducing the risk of cravings and overeating,ā€ says Brooking.

Not only that, but “protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass, and having more muscle tissue means you’ll burn more calories than if you had more fat tissue,” says Brooking.

Ham is also relatively low in calories: a 3-ounce serving contains about 230 calories. Pair it with cooked quinoa and a side salad for a protein-rich meal that will fill you up and help maintain lean muscle mass.

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Smoked and cured hams may contribute to the risk of inflammation and disease

smoked hamsmoked ham

Many hams are smoked or cured, which adds major flavor to the meat but also contributes to some unhealthy properties that may contribute to a higher risk of disease through multiple mechanisms. “Salting and smoking are forms of processing that have been associated with increases in certain types of carcinogens” says Brooking.

“Many health agencies, including the American Cancer Society, recommend limiting the consumption of processed meats (including ham) because they are correlated with increased higher risk of certain cancersincluding stomach, colorectal and other cancers,ā€ says Brooking.

Here’s why: Processed ham usually contains nitrates. Although research is mixed, some studies show an increase in colon, kidney and stomach cancers with higher nitrate intake.

Additionally, meats like ham that are cooked at high temperatures produce compounds associated with inflammation called AGEs or advanced glycation end products, according to a 2016 report in the journal. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. ā€œAGEs have been linked to an increase in diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers,ā€ Brooking says.

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Smoked and cured hams may contribute to heart problems

measure blood pressuremeasure blood pressure

Raw and smoked ham also tends to be high in sodium. Take this: a 3 ounce serving of raw ham contains 800 milligrams of sodium, or about 33 percent of your daily value. For some people, a diet high in sodium can increase blood pressure, says Brooking. High blood pressure may lead to a higher risk of heart attack or stroke, according to the Mayo Clinic.

If you choose to add ham to your diet, opt for fresh ham. ā€œAs a general rule, fresh ham contains less sodium and fewer carcinogenic compounds than cured or smoked ham,ā€ says Brooking.

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You will get important micronutrients

ham charcuterie slices with cheddar cheese slicesham charcuterie slices with cheddar cheese slices

Many Americans are not meeting their recommended micronutrient intakes, which can lead to fatigue, reduced attention and concentration, and a weakened immune system, among other sneaky symptoms, according to Oregon State University.

But ham, like other types of red meat, is a good source of vitamins and minerals.

A 3-ounce serving of roasted ham contains 20% of your daily value (DV) of zinc, which supports the immune system, 70% of your DV of selenium, which supports metabolism, and is an excellent source of energizing B vitamins.

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You Can Eat Too Much Added Sugar

evaporated cane sugarevaporated cane sugar
Courtesy of Shutterstock

Some hams are honey roasted, and while this may make your holiday roast more succulent, it will also bring added sugar to your day. A 3 ounce serving of honey ham contains about 5 grams of added sugars. Although it doesn’t seem like much, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends limiting your added sugar intake to just 25 grams for women and 36 grams for men per day. And eating a serving of honey ham can give you about 20% of your daily value of added sugar. Eating too much added sugar too often can increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes, according to the AHA.

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This story has been updated to include additional entries, fact checking and revision.

#Ham #Good #Benefits #Side #Effects #Downsides


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